Curriculum Vitae

Rory Watts, PhD, MPH, BA, BMedSci

CEO, Forecast Health International

Director, Forecast Health Australia

Adjunct Research Fellow, SPGH, The University of Western Australia


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2025 - ongoing, CEO, Forecast Health International, Inc

2022 - ongoing, Director, Forecast Health Australia PTY LTD

2015 - 2022, Consultant, World Health Organization, Geneva

2018 - 2020, Research Associate, School of Population and Global Health, The University of Western Australia

2017 - 2020, Research Officer, School of Population and Global Health, The University of Western Australia

2017, Analyst, Health Economics & Social Policy, Deloitte Access Economics, Melbourne


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2021, Doctor of Philosophy, School of Population and Global Health, The University of Western Australia

2015, Master of Public Health with Distinction, The University of Western Australia

2014, Bachelor of Arts (English Literature), The University of Western Australia

2014, Bachelor of Medical Science with First Class Honours in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The University of Western Australia

Journal Articles

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Hutchinson, B., Watts, R., Nyangasi, M., Anderson, B. O., Chepchumba, J., Wangia, E., Jalang'o, R., Mwenda, V., Yerramilli, P., Kuguru, T. L., Kabubei, K. M., Gordillo-Tobar, A., Meheus, F., Meyer, C., Ilbawi, A., & Nugent, R. (2024). An economic evaluation of breast cancer interventions in Kenya. EClinicalMedicine, 77.

Li, I. W., Watts, R., Brett, T., Radford, J., Heal, C., Gill, G., Hespe, C., Vargas-garcia, C., Sullivan, D. R., Vickery, A. W., Pang, J., Arnold-reed, D. E., Chan, D. C., & Watts, G. F. (2022). Cost impact of undertaking detection and management of familial hypercholesterolaemia in Australian general practice. Australian Journal of General Practice, 51(8), 604-609.

Doleman, G., Duffield, C., Li, I., & Watts, R. (2022). Employment of the Australian graduate nursing workforce: A retrospective analysis. Collegian, 29(2), 228-235.

Stenberg, K., Watts, R., Bertram, M. Y., Engesveen, K., Maliqi, B., Say, L., & Hutubessy, R. (2021). Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions to Improve Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Outcomes: A WHO-CHOICE Analysis for Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 10(11), 706-723.

Trentino, K. M., Mace, H. S., Symons, K., Sanfilippo, F. M., Leahy, M. F., Farmer, S. L., Hofmann, A., Watts, R. D., Wallace, M. H., & Murray, K. (2021). Screening and treating pre-operative anaemia and suboptimal iron stores in elective colorectal surgery: a cost effectiveness analysis. Anaesthesia, 76(3), 357-365.

Watts, R., Bowles, D. C., Fisher, C., & Li, I. (2021). What Do Public Health Graduates Do and Where Do They Go? An Analysis of Job Destinations and Mismatch in Australian Public Health Graduates. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7504.

Watts, R. D., Bowles, D. C., Fisher, C., & Li, I. W. (2021). Who comes when the world goes Code Blue? A novel method of exploring job advertisements for COVID-19 in health care. Nursing Open, 8(3), 1108-1114.

Trentino, K. M., Mace, H., Symons, K., Sanfilippo, F. M., Leahy, M. F., Farmer, S. L., Watts, R. D., Hamdorf, J. M., & Murray, K. (2020). Associations of a Preoperative Anemia and Suboptimal Iron Stores Screening and Management Clinic in Colorectal Surgery With Hospital Cost, Reimbursement, and Length of Stay: A Net Cost Analysis. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 344-352.

Watts, R., Bowles, D. C., Ryan, E., Fisher, C., & Li, I. (2020). No Two Workforces are the Same: A Systematic Review of the Enumerations and Definitions of Public Health Workforces. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 588092.

Watts, R. D., Bowles, D. C., Fisher, C., & Li, I. W. (2019). Public health job advertisements in Australia and New Zealand: a changing landscape. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43(6), 522-528.

Watts, R., & Li, W. (2019). Use of Checklists in Reviews of Health Economic Evaluations, 2010 to 2018. Value in Health, 22(3), 377-382.

Bertram, M. Y., Stenberg, K., Brindley, C., Li, J., Serje, J., Watts, R., & Edejer, T. T. T. (2017). Disease control programme support costs: An update of WHO-CHOICE methodology, price databases and quantity assumptions. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 15(1), 21.

Watts, R. D., Li, I. W., Geelhoed, E. A., Sanfilippo, F. M., & St. John, A. (2017). Economic Evaluations of Pathology Tests, 2010-2015: A Scoping Review. Value in Health, 20(8), 1210-1215.

Stock, S. J., Patey, O., Thilaganathan, B., White, S., Furfaro, L. L., Payne, M. S., Spiller, O. B., Noé, A., Watts, R., Carter, S., Ireland, D. J., Jobe, A. H., Newnham, J. P., & Kemp, M. W. (2017). Intrauterine Candida albicans Infection Causes Systemic Fetal Candidiasis with Progressive Cardiac Dysfunction in a Sheep Model of Early Pregnancy. Reproductive Sciences, 24(1), 77-84.

Friedland, P., Lee-Pullen, T. F., Nathan, L. A., Watts, R., Keelan, J. A., Payne, M. S., & Ireland, D. J. (2016). T cell cytokine responses to stimulation with Ureaplasma parvum in pregnancy. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 116, 93-97.

Payne, M., Ireland, D., Watts, R., Nathan, L., Furfaro, L., Kemp, M., Keelan, J., & Newnham, J. (2016). Ureaplasma parvum genotype, combined vaginal colonisation with Candida albicans, and spontaneous preterm birth in an Australian cohort of pregnant women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16(1), 1-13.

Friedland, Y. D., Lee-Pullen, T., Nathan, L., Watts, R., Keelan, J., Payne, M., & Ireland, D. (2015). Whole blood flow cytometric analysis of Ureaplasma-stimulated monocytes from pregnant women. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 109, 84-88.

Miura, Y., Payne, M., Keelan, J., Noe, A., Carter, S., Watts, R., Spiller, O. B., Jobe, A., Kallapur, S., Saito, M., Stock, S. J., Newnham, J., & Kemp, M. (2014). Maternal intravenous treatment with either azithromycin or solithromycin clears Ureaplasma parvum from the amniotic fluid in an ovine model of intrauterine infection. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58(9), 5413-5420.

Kemp, M., Miura, Y., Payne, M., Watts, R., Megharaj, S., Jobe, A., Kallapur, S., Saito, M., Spiller, O. B., Keelan, J., & Newnham, J. (2014). Repeated maternal intramuscular or intraamniotic erythromycin incompletely resolves intrauterine Ureaplasma parvum infection in a sheep model of pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 211(2), 134.e1-134.e9.